One may wonder why artists went to so much trouble to develop this innovative yet uniquely complex technique. Therefore, it is often viewed as part of the Post-Impressionist movement, as it rose in popularity between the 1880s and 1890s after the Impressionist period had ended. Pointillism art reinvented the use of painting with small dabs of paint that were made famous by the Impressionist movement, to the point where artists attempted to produce an entire painting out of these little dots of pure color. This technique resembles the way computer screens work today, as the pixels on the screen resemble the dots in a Pointillism painting.

The effect that this had was that in placing the dots so close to one another, they would automatically blur into an image by the eyes of viewers. This was done by painting small but separate dots of unmixed colors side by side, which were placed in various patterns in order to form an image. The revolutionary painting technique that eventually became known as Pointillism attempted to use the science of optics when creating paintings. 10.2 Georges Seurat (Getting to Know the World’s Greatest Artists).10.1 Ways of Pointillism: Seurat, Signac, Van Gogh.9 Influence of Pointillism on Contemporary Artists Today.7 Famous Pointillism Artists and Their Paintings.6 Understanding the Distinction Between Pointillism and Dotted Art.5 Understanding the Distinction Between Pointillism and Divisionism.3.2 Points of Undiluted and Unmixed Color.3 Technique and Practice of Pointillism.